The Durham Belt Line master Plan Draft Was Released on April 25.

The official 74 page master plan draft is available for download by clicking on the button below and also available at:


This is a draft of the overall vision of the development of the Durham Belt Line Trail land. The preparation of such a plan is a standard practice for development of space to allow for coordinated space creation and modification. This document is only a draft, so there is still plenty of room for changes and community generated visioning of the space.

The document was prepared by the below project team as part of a contract with the City of Durham with funds provided by a Federal TIGER grant.

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The next steps for this plan approval process are:

  1. The draft of this document will be reviewed by the Durham Belt Line Trail Steering Committee and the City of Durham, who may provide feedback, comments, and requested changes.
  2. There will be at least one public open house that will allow the public to view the plan (which you can also do on this website) and provide questions and feedback to the planners sometime in late May or June. The open house will be announced on:
  3. Once the public, city, and steering committee feedback has been integrated into any master plan process draft changes, the plan will be presented to the Durham City Council for a vote on adoption or not.

The Steering Committee and Project Staff members are below.

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Public Feedback on This Plan

The Public can also offer feedback to the Master Planning Team, the City of Durham, and to the Durham City Council and Manager about what their vision is for the space, and what would make the Durham Belt Line serve the needs of every body.

The Durham Master Planning team can be contacted using this link.

The City of Durham project contact is Dale McKeel: and 919-560-4366

The City Council members may be contacted by emailing

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Need for responses that reflect the community

To date, only 250 respondents answered the survey provided. About 3 times that number of people that are evicted in Durham every month.

In addition, the income demographic of survey respondents was: 55% making over $70,000, 21% making over 120,000, and only $11% making under $40,000. The median income of residents that live 1/4 mile from the trail is $38,500.

The mater plan's summary of Current stakeholder engagement from the official Durham Belt Line master planning process:

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